Our mission

Are you that special person who - weary from trudging the endless superhighways - just longs to camp next to a glorious oasis of the mind? Do you desire to explore new frontiers, splash in shared ideas, fill your belly with the refreshing fruits of inspiration, and bask in the gentle rays of fond reflection?

Well, you can fuck right off. This, my friends, is not that place. This place is... The ShadowLands.

Monday, August 18, 2008

World first: ABC story not researched

A one minute google search demonstrated that this story on the ABC is not even remotely close to true. Phew...somebody mop my brow.

UPDATE: Looks like the ABC and Sydney Morning Herald have pooled their researching resources.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shirly looks like she needs a work out herself to be honest.

Weight loss is about energy exertion and food intake and lifestyle changes.

Easy kids, go on give it a try. 1.618

P.s. margo, i have someone pretending to me, i just love it..1.618