Our mission

Are you that special person who - weary from trudging the endless superhighways - just longs to camp next to a glorious oasis of the mind? Do you desire to explore new frontiers, splash in shared ideas, fill your belly with the refreshing fruits of inspiration, and bask in the gentle rays of fond reflection?

Well, you can fuck right off. This, my friends, is not that place. This place is... The ShadowLands.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Product of the Day

I don't partake, myself, but I do know that the marketing department of British American Tobacco are the kinds of people you can trust. Anyhow...


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who misses the old cigarette ads? The roguish "anyhow, have a Winfield"; the rugged Marlboro's; the suave Dunhills.

Never made me want to take up smoking but if it did, by gum, it would have been one of those (depending on the image I was trying to project at the time).

Pogria said...


my favourite cigarette ads were, of course, Malboro Country.

Being a pony mad girl and now a poverty stricken, horse owning grown up, it goes without saying they would be my favourite.

My second favourite were the ads that showed a guy with a cigarette holder that had two ciggies in it. something about the "smoothness of Menthol and the satisfaction of regular tobacco".

I can't remember the brand in that particular ad.

Anonymous said...

Ah menthol. Who can forget that cool smoothness. Well that what they said it was like anyway. How smoke can be cool or smooth I don't know.

Pogria said...

I do Francis.

I was a forty a day girl until I gave it up ten years ago.


Anonymous said...

as an ex-smoker I have no sympathy for cigarette makers, whose share prices I supported for many years.