Bored of Bali? Tired of Tahiti? Had enough of Honolulu? Can't cope with Copenhagen?
Get your positivity back at Poznan, Poland - the latest e-fantastic location on the climate change world tour! Not just any event, but an E-concern Energy Sustainable Event. What does this mean?
It means the e-fun you experience in Poznan is of the kind you would find hard to e-sustain anywhere else. Poznan! Poznan! Poznan!
But don't take our word for it. Here's what other happy Poznan visitors have had to say:
"Celem tego wydarzenia jest zaprezentowanie osiągniec i wyzwan w rozwoju zrównowazonych, przyjaznych klimatowi systemów energetycznych!"
The Evolution of Corruption
1 hour ago
1 comment:
The Pozibilities are endless!
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