‘Historic’ Snowstorm Impacting Southern States
2 hours ago
with Margo's Maid...
"American Flag burning is necessary and important to marking our future as it pocks our past... A burning flag should be reflected in our wet eyes as the voice of freedom singing against the darkening air of repression."
"The damage to Gaza's buildings is clear to see. Tens of thousands have been levelled or will have to be bulldozed."This unsourced statement about the number of destroyed buildings is not good enough. Says who? Certainly not the UN - as the BBC reported:
Nazism succeeded, not only because of the 'bureaucrat- ization of genocide,' as Robert Lifton put it, but because of the trahison des clercs - the complicity of the elites: physicians, church leaders, judges, lawyers, engineers, architects, educators and the like.And one more thing (via Israellycool)
"He said the attitude of some Liberal MPs during the Howard administration...had led to the perception that Australia was racist.Now it turns out Mr Alshams is in the news once again.
"We're tired of hearing these things," he said.
"At a morning tea in honour of the Australian of the Year finalists, the Prime Minister quoted John Curtain, saying that the people of the nation are the 'strength of the nation'."For those of you not familiar with Australian history or interior decorating, this is one of Mr Rudd's most distinguished predecessors, and this is a curtain.
"Let us make this simple. If the first thing that moves you to outrage after years of reading my blog is some nitpicking defence of Bill Moyers while free people are subject to years of bombardment by men who would cut off your head for being a Jew then your politics do not meet even the low bar of fascism. You may be a well educated man. You may be a kind man. You may even be a good man (such is for God to judge). But you are intellectually and morally retarded."
KAREN BARLOW: The damage to Gaza's buildings is clear to see. Tens of thousands have been levelled or will have to be bulldozed.
UN official John Ging said half a million people had been without water since the conflict began, and huge numbers of people were without power.
Four thousand homes are ruined and tens of thousands of people are homeless.
Of course, we should have an open book market as soon as possible.
A quick message to Australian publishers and authors: dry your eyes princesses, the pain you feel is just weakness leaving your body.
The account is of an extraordinary display of courage by Trooper Donaldson - it’s the kind of act that the word “heroic” is actually appropriate for, and I’m sure he’ll wear his deserved honour with pride. If he’s ever in the same pub I’m in, let me get at the start of the line to shout him a beer.
But let’s not confuse the bravery of this individual soldier - and all the other Australian soldiers currently serving in Afghanistan - with the wisdom or otherwise of the mission. It is becoming ever less clear, in the face of President-elect Obama’s plans to commit additional military forces to Afghanistan (and the likelihood of more requests for Australian troops), what the multinational force in Afghanistan is going to achieve, and how it is going to achieve it.
The ‘bravery’ of serving in a technologically advanced first world army with the ability to call in air strikes that has invaded and occupied the fifth least developed nation in the world. Give me a break. I thought this was a left-wing blog?
"They never tell you how many soldiers picked up V.D. on duty but a V.C. and they shout from the rooftops."
PM KEVIN RUDD: Well, I just look at what the scientists say. There's a group of scientists called the International Panel on Climate Change - 4000 of them. Guys in white coats who run around and don't have a sense of humour. They just measure things. And what they say to us is it's happening and it's caused by human activity.
"Last Saturday, along with at least 100,000 others, I took part in a huge anti-Israel demonstration in London..."Oh yeah? Let's have a little checkie-loo. The key part:
"The Metropolitan Police said between 10,000 and 12,000 people attended the march, but organisers claimed the figure was as high as 75,000."Not even the organisers agree that he is telling the truth on this one.