‘Historic’ Snowstorm Impacting Southern States
2 hours ago
with Margo's Maid...
The Federal Government should stop trying to downplay the potential impact of the oil spill off the Kimberley coast and start taking action, the Australian Greens said today.
"I have a rule. The guy who goes to prison normally does not come out on top. Unless that is his roommate’s personal preference."More at Aussie Dave's...
"For 10 years the trauma at the heart of Australia had not only been denied, but exacerbated. Now there was a damburst, a national outpouring of despair and anger. With every day since he announced his plan, the clamour has grown only louder. And Howard - journeying like Quixote into the heart of a nation's great historical wound that he had denied for 10 long years, seeing only a windmill of an election - seemed neither to comprehend nor care, as the ride grew rougher and stranger with every passing day."Richard Flanagan, August 27, 2009 (asked about his attitude to the intervention on ABC's Q and A):
"I haven't been to these communities, so I don't know."
For Richard Flanagan:UPDATE: Huzzah! Not published.
You once dedicated a book to Jew-hater and convicted terrorism assister, David Hicks. I couldn't help noticing that your subsequent works have not been dedicated to the likes of Ali Al Magrahi or Mohamed Atta. Is this because you are now some kind of imperialist dog?
"My sources are impeachable."
"Prime ministers make mistakes, I'm sure I've made mistakes, that'd be one of them. If people have been offended, I apologise for it."
"The only attitude we can have is zero tolerance and, as a nation, we need to embrace that."
Question for Maxine:
For some time, I have been providing "favours" to a hideous union official with a view to becoming fully accredited to gain pre-selection for a safe Labor seat.
However, the official claims I will be ineligible unless I kiss him during the act. Is this part of the relevant Labor by-laws, or do you think he is just making this up?
Darwin City Council has decided to close a lake in the Top End capital because of the danger posed by a large fish which recently bit a woman on the foot...
The lake will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday this week so that council officers can remove the large fish.
All across Russia, the prospect of global warming appears to present new opportunities: exploration of oil and gas fields in Siberia and construction of pipelines linking those fields with Europe and China would be cheaper; agriculture would pick up from Karelia, north of St Petersburg, to Chukotka, in the far east; more tourists would come; more timber would be harvested; deaths from exposure to cold would fall; and the quality of life of vast swathes of the country – 60 per cent of Russia is covered in permafrost – would (quite possibly) rise.All of which makes perfect sense. However, this raises the question - if it makes perfect sense to the Russians, why doesn't this logic make sense to others in similar latitudes, like the Canadians and northern Europeans?
"Lead is going to be an important metal to help us combat things such as global warming," said U.S. Silver's Hartmann, noting that energy from solar panels is stored in lead-acid batteries.Cadmium, a by-product of lead mining, is also a major component of solar panels.
"It's a little bit ironic," he added, "that the green movement is such a large user of lead."
Indira Naidoo works for a communications consultancy that makes money from climate alarmism.
Tony Jones is about to enjoy another nice big pay day at Carbon Expo on the Gold Coast.
Can anyone explain why well qualified scientists with secondary funding links to carbon intensive industries never get invited on Q and A, but non-qualified people who are lining their pockets from the alarmist industry are allowed on?
Only someone with bin Ladin's mentality, jaundice and ignorance could pen words like this:Not sure what Arabic culture is Irf? Wikipedia to the rescue:
"The rise of yet another Islamist terror group suggests there is something in Muslim or Arabic culture peculiarly susceptible to the call to violence ... While false, there is yet a grain of truth in the maxim that while not every Muslim is a terrorist, every terrorist is a Muslim."
I always thought Arabic was the name of a language, not a culture. And what on earth is "Muslim" culture? Do Muslims all share a single culture that is distinct from every other culture? What are the features of this culture? Where do I find it? On which planet? In which galaxy?
Arab culture is an inclusive term that draws together the common themes and overtones found in the Arabic-speaking cultures, especially those of the Middle-Eastern countries. This region's distinct religion, art, and food are some of the fundamental features that define Arab culture.And what is Muslim culture? This seems a bit disingenuous, since only a few years ago you were banging on about Judaeo-Christian culture. But anyways, Wiki answers to the rescue:
A muslim culture is a culture based on the teachings of Islam.In fact, there are any number of websites that can help Irf answer his questions.
I'm not suggesting Bolt shouldn't be allowed to question the involvement of any belief, religion or ideology in terrorism or violence. But to suggest that certain groups are more culturally susceptible to violence is just plain stupid.Or is there perhaps - (leaving aside for one moment 9/11, the Bali bombings, blasts in Morocco in 2003, a suicide attack in Riyadh, the 2004 Madrid train explosions, Beslan's child hostage slaughter, an attack on Nigerian Christians, attacks on Indian Hindus in 2005 , the suicide bombings in London, the suicide attack on a Karachi wedding, the bombing of Mumbai trains, an attack on a Chad village in 2007, an attempted attack on Glasgow airport, and the Mumbai attacks) - evidence that some followers of Islam think there is something in the teachings of the Koran that justifies violence? Yes there is, as discussed in this Muslim forum:
You see, your entire perspective is an emotional/pseudo-logical one. If the Creator reveals to humanity that dying for His sake gives you paradise you accept it. There is no sane person who denies what the Creator reveals...
Islamic reasoning is undeniable, as you would have to either disprove the Creator or the Qur'an, to defeat the concept that dying for the sake of the Creator in battle does not grant you paradise.
But how is Yusuf expected to know about discussions like these on Muslim forums like this? The thing is, he does know... all too well. He just chooses not to talk about them.
I live in New Hampshire. We’re in favor of global warming. Eleven hundred more feet of sea-level rises? I’ve got beachfront property. You tell us up there, “By the end of the century, New York City could be underwater,” and we say, “Your point is?”
I think it’s a really, really bad idea. It’s one of these situations where Dad burns dinner, so you say, “Oh, I know. Let’s have the dog cook!”
They’re bad drivers because they’re idiots. And we know they’re idiots because they bought a Prius.
Most of the people who have grabbed hold of climate change and greenhouse gases, pollution, oil dependency—they have another motive, and their motive is to attain the appearance of virtue without having actually done anything virtuous. Or if they’re in politics, the whole point of politics is to achieve prestige and power without merit. These are just nice opinions to have. They’re utterly meaningless. It’s just a way for people to be pious jerks...Their motives are not necessarily good just because they say they are being good. It’s peace, love, and understanding. To which I can just say, “Shut up.”On philosophy:
I’ve decided that my motto in life is “Get off my lawn.” It’s the right answer to everything.
And looking beyond our shores, by mid century, rising sea levels will directly affect and potentially displace over a million people in Bangladesh, the Mekong delta in Vietnam and a little further afield in the Nile delta, to say nothing of the impact on our neighbours in the Pacific.Sorry Pen, but it appears getting your facts clear is the first challenge. Scientists from the UN University’s Institute for Environment and Human Security say there will be 25- 50 million climate refugees by 2010. They even have a helpful map. Since there have been few, if any, climate refugees so far, it means the world can expect 1.5 to 3 million climate refugees per week, over the next four months.
Despite these clear facts, delivering a serious and credible response remains a political challenge.
the Flaming Jihadis of Glenroy will probably turn out to be just like the Flaming Jihadis of West Preston led by Abdul Nasser Benbrika - petty criminals & dole bludgers nursing a sense of deep grievance aganst the nation that gave them & their families refuge when they fled the crapholes they came from. that's gratitude for you. most refugees & immigrants to australia are grateful for the opportunity their adopted country gives them. they work hard, get on, & become happy & productive members of society while retaining their religion & culture. losers turn to extremism because nothing is ever their own fault, & it's easier to destroy than to buildAsked to explain his definition of extremism, he replies, "extremists think destruction is better than construction" at which point Fatima has clearly had enough:
^ I don't understand what people like you do on a muslim forum. Please stop contaminating this thread with your nonsense.UPDATE Platypuspieau1 continues: "wherever deluded individuals think blasting people to bits will get them into heaven, i'll be arguing against it until i get banned"
You see, your entire perspective is an emotional/pseudo-logical one. If the Creator reveals to humanity that dying for His sake gives you paradise you accept it. There is no sane person who denies what the Creator reveals.
The muslim thinkers are amongst the smartest of humanity simply because they realize they are failures compared to the Creator in every way. So they surrender themselves to Him, and adopt whatever He says. That is the reality of life.
Islamic reasoning is undeniable, as you would have to either disprove the Creator or the Qur'an, to defeat the concept that dying for the sake of the Creator in battle does not grant you paradise.
Keep in mind that in Islam (generally) we do not kill the innocent or civilians.
The suspects include Australians of Somali and Lebanese decent, most of whom are labourers employed in Melbourne's construction industry, or taxi drivers.Now the ShadowLands is loathe to make generalisations about people's occupations - Adrian of cablog fame, for example, hardly ever discusses his wish for violent jihad. But former US Senator Conrad Burns might feel just a little vindication after causing a political storm a couple of years ago when he observed that terrorism involved a faceless enemy who "drive taxicabs in the daytime and kill at night."
On Saturday afternoon I headed to the ALP national conference at Darling Harbour hoping for some heavy patronage from the champions of the working class, only to be greeted by a line of limos. Nobs.
Listen, have you got any friends I can f--- when I get home? They have to be good-looking and I prefer big tits as well. Well, send their photos with the letters so I can check them out...According to reports, his new wife is a poet who is associated with the University of Sydney's Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies. We have been unable to find any examples of her work online, but did stumble upon this worthy example of the craft.
“I would be very interested to see the data which Synergy has that suggests the cost of energy generated by sun or wind has increased,” he said.Likewise, we would also be most interested to see the real costs of energy production. Thissy here gives an overview of the costs of electricity including this:
"In Australia, the (government) subsidy for renewable energies is...roughly equal to the generating cost from coal or about half the retail price of electricity."In other words, whether we want to or not, the rest of us are paying for the power that these greentards require for their lava lamps and electric incense burners.