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Are you that special person who - weary from trudging the endless superhighways - just longs to camp next to a glorious oasis of the mind? Do you desire to explore new frontiers, splash in shared ideas, fill your belly with the refreshing fruits of inspiration, and bask in the gentle rays of fond reflection?

Well, you can fuck right off. This, my friends, is not that place. This place is... The ShadowLands.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Passing shadows

* If doofuses like Ant Loewenstein actually cared about Palestinians, they would be up in arms about this, but - bet your life - they won't say a word. (via Israellycool)

* Theo's ten attributes of really lazy people.

* An attribute of people prone to stupid internet fads.

* How to make biscuits in a hot car.

1 comment:

Boy on a bike said...

re: biscuits. Plenty of farmers and truckies have told me how to do a lamb roast on the engine whilst on the road. You wrap the roast in foil and tie it onto the exhaust manifold with a bit of wire.

I experienced something similar with a "donut warmer". Some of the trucks that we were driving many years ago had a fibreglass cover in the cab that covered the engine - essentially your left elbow was just over the top of the engine. The co-driver would take the cover off and place a box of donuts on top of the engine for a few minutes as we drove down the highway.